Afterschool for All
MAP aims to expand access to afterschool and summer programs for all children and youth in Massachusetts
Our Mission Statement
Massachusetts Afterschool Partnership aims to improve the lives of all children and youth by supporting and expanding high quality and enriching afterschool and summer learning opportunities. We strive for equity and inclusion so that every child has the opportunity for a full and fair education.
Our Vision for the Future
Afterschool For All! MAP’s vision is that all children and youth, regardless of race, ethnicity, or socio-economic background, will have access to high-quality, affordable afterschool and summer programs that support their current well-being and potential. MAP envisions a youth centric approach to education, where afterschool programs are a key component in supporting educational and social-emotional outcomes, and there is sustainable and equitable funding to support the great work happening in communities across Massachusetts. A robust system of school and community-based programs will honor, recognize, and address the diverse needs and strengths of communities they serve. MAP envisions high-quality programming developed through practices and policies that support the youth development workforce, including fair compensation and opportunities for professional development and advancement.

Theory of Change
For every 1 child in afterschool, 3 more are waiting to get in. Read our theory of change to learn about how we as an organization are supporting increased access to high-quality programs by working with the state and federal legislature, government agencies, providers, schools, and families to create change.
Click the photo to the right for the PDF version.
Contact us.
89 South Street, Suite 603, Boston MA 02111