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Entrepreneurship for Kids!
Young Entrepreneur Pitch Challenge Out-of-School Time is Underway!
The Young Entrepreneur Institute (YEI) Young Entrepreneur Pitch Challenge OST is underway! This competition was created as a way to empower young people in afterschool and summer programs to flex their entrepreneurial mindsets by creating business ideas and pitching them. Problem-solving, empathy, communication, and creativity are just a few of the skills they practice by participating.
Program incentives include:
A free Pitch Challenge Toolkit for facilitating five 1-hour lessons
Free staff training and student workshops
Registered programs with six or more students receive $50 to celebrate with a pizza, donut, ice cream, or other party.
Programs with a winning video will receive a $50 gift card
Every program will have a finalist for each age category with six or more students entering. Finalist entries receive $60.
The details:
The registration deadline for programs is June 15; register here.
The entry deadline is July 15.
For more information, contact Marissa Wilson at