Decades of research show that high-quality afterschool and summer learning programs can improve student outcomes in school and support the growth and development of new skills.

The Afterschool Alliance, one of MAP’s key partners, conducts and publishes up-to-date research on the many benefits of afterschool and summer programming.

Visit their website to learn more.

Out-of-School Time Story Map

The Massachusetts Afterschool Partnership (MAP) Out-of-School Time Story Map depicts the afterschool and out-of-school time landscape in the state of Massachusetts. This map is designed to be used as a tool by legislators, advocates, providers, and families to understand where sites are located, where state and federal funding is being directed, and how this intersects with indicators of child-wellbeing. As we approach a federal funding cliff from ARPA funds, we hope this valuable information can inform strategies for supporting Massachusetts children and youth. Click here to learn more!

Have feedback on the story map? See information that needs to be updated? Fill out our feedback form below!

Afterschool Directors Survey: 2021

MAP partnered with Beacon Research to survey Afterschool Directors across the Commonwealth about the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on their programs. Click below to learn more about the findings.

Afterschool Directors Survey 2021

MAP worked with Northeastern’s School of Public Policy Master’s students to interview frontline staff at afterschool programs across their state on their basic needs and social determinants of health. Click here to learn more about the findings.

Frontline Staff Survey 2023