Service Learning

What is Service-Learning?

Service-learning is an approach to teaching and learning in which students use academic and civic knowledge and skills to address genuine community needs.

Picking up trash on a river bank is service. Studying water samples under a microscope is learning. When science students collect and analyze water samples, document their results, and present findings to a local pollution control agency – that is service-learning.

A national study of Learn and Serve America programs suggests that effective service learning programs improve grades, increase attendance in school, and develop students' personal and social responsibility.

A growing body of research recognizes service-learning as an effective strategy to help students by:

  • Promoting learning through active participation in service experiences

  • Providing structured time for students to reflect by thinking, discussing and writing about their service experience

  • Providing an opportunity for students to use skills and knowledge in real-life situations

  • Extending learning beyond the classroom and into the community

  • Fostering a sense of caring for others

Service-Learning also strengthens both education and local communities by:

  • Building effective collaborative partnerships between schools or colleges and other institutions and organizations

  • Engaging parents and other adults in supporting student learning

  • Meeting community needs through the service projects conducted

  • Providing engaging and productive opportunities for young people to work with others in their community

*The above information was provided by the Corporation for National and Community Service, Learn & Serve America

Upcoming Opportunity for Afterschool Professionals!

Check out the flyer on the right for two exciting Service-Learning Training opportunities this October!

MAP works closely with the National Youth Leadership Council.

For over 40 years, the National Youth Leadership Council has transformed classrooms, empowered teachers, and captivated students by leading the way in providing high-quality, dynamic service-learning content to school districts, classrooms, afterschool programs, and everything in between.

Visit the NYLC website to set up a FREE account and receive FREE resources on how you can transform your afterschool program! Youth will be engaged and empowered by service learning projects!

Project Ideas

Looking for inspiration? Explore an extensive list of service learning project ideas complied by Harkins Consulting, LLC. Browse by issue or content areas, and discover great ideas for all levels K-12.